Welcome To DEWATIC

IT Solution For Business
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Integrated Marketing Media

Best Digital Marketing
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High Performance

Robust and Speedy
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Robotic RnD

AI Machine Learning
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About Us

We work with top brands and startups

Top Notch




PT THL as DEWATIC help you integrate strategy, process, technology and information to increase effectiveness, reduce costs and improve profit and shareholder value.

Competing in today's business environment is about meeting challenges, making decisions and innovating rapidly using the best and most current technologies, tools and information.

Efficient and effective IT Solutions are key to the success of a business.

With technology moving at a fast pace, it can sometimes be a challenge keeping up with the latest technologies and finding the most cost effective solutions for your business needs.

Your business website is your storefront. It is the main place you pitch your web visitors about your company and its associated products and services.

We believe that the appearance of your website can affect your website visitor's judgement. Our friendly, professional & experienced web developers can guide you to choose the best & most suitable website at your affordable price to success your business.

Initial Work

Understanding customer requirements and business objectives. Providing strategic advice on using technology to achieve goals.

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Master Planning

Offering a wide range of advice on all matters concerned with IT planning, development and environmental issues which surround a building project.

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Smooth Execution

We examine various aspects of your business, then offer solutions and assist in the development of a strategic IT plan based on your organization's goals and objectives.

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Our Projects

Some of our latest projects

  • Backend System
  • Business Intelligence
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Information System
  • Web Design & Development
  • And many more...


Are you a talented and knowledgeable person with passion for technology? DEWATIC would be the perfect place for you.
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